To Our Children
To our daughters I just want to say,
Before I too become just a memory.
When you were born, I was blessed,
So fragile I was frightened lest
I broke you, as in my arms I held you,
Close to my heart, I loved you true.
I promised that you would always have
The very best in life that I could give.
Mum and I gave up so much for you,
Things about which you never knew.
Not looking for praise or medals and such
We did it all because we love you so much.
We saw you grow with each blink it seemed,
We worried about you when in your teens.
It wasn't that we wanted to control your life
We simply didn't want you to share our strife.
We could see where sometimes you went wrong,
And were so elated to see you grow strong
Now you have children we are proud to see,
We're happy to be Grand, your Mum and Me.
So please , if you can, just give us a thought,
We raised you to be the person you are now,
We had no lessons, we didn't know how
We raised you to be the women you are today
We loved you then, we love you now and always,
Remember us with affection all of your days.
When we are no longer here , don't be sad
We will always be your Mum & D, or Pops or Dad.
© Dave Timperley 07 September 2016