Love Poem: To Speak of Women

To Speak of Women

Men ...
  Giving advice to OTHER men, on women
    That's funny ... ironic "funny", I mean, (though I did chuckle)
      As if ANY man ever had a clue what women are about ...
        But, I suppose, I have learned a few things

Very painfully learned ...
  But NOTHING is absolute with women ... nothing is empirical
    So, I won't call my tidbits "advice", but rather "observations" ...
      That's as close as I can come, (or ANY man that I know, for that matter)
        OK, here goes - Firstly, LISTEN ... REALLY listen to her

That is, for me, the key to any relationship
  But if you really listen and respond with care to what a woman is saying
    Then you're off to a good start
      HONESTY ...
        We all tell little lies at times, for the sake of kindness

But strive to be forthright and true, always
  Or it will shatter the bridge before it's barely built.
      A sense of humor will take you a very long way with most females
        And it doesn't hurt your OWN well-being, either

To be positive, up-beat, happy, and funny.
    Yes, the old-fashioned, hold-the-door-and-lay-down-the-coat romantic
      (Unless she doesn't LIKE that sort of behavior, of course).
        Attention to little romantic details like your anniversaries ...

I mean anniversaries for EVERYTHING
  The day you met, the day you first said "I love you"
    The day you kissed, held hands, met her best friend, went to a concert
      Every little special moment you can remember ...
        The moments that put that "Awwww!!" look on her face

Flowers, chocolates, a four-leaf clover ... be creative.
  WORDS ...
    Be careful with your words ... they hear EVERYthing
      And they remember every little promise and special comment
        Even though YOU may not think of it the same way.

Find her likes and dislikes, and write them down, if you have to.
  PDA's - just DO it!
    Hold her hand in public, don't walk in front of her but beside her
      Brush the hair from her eyes, give her quick, romantic kisses
        Little through-the-day massages of her back or shoulders.

Avoid looking at other women at all costs!
  Be valiant and chivalrous, and cook her dinner sometimes
    Ask her how her day was ...
      Tell her how beautiful she is and compliment her
        NOTICE the little changes she makes in her clothes and jewelry

Discover her dreams and make them yours
  Leave your arm around her, even if it falls asleep
    Know the details of her childhood ...
      Don't kiss her ONLY when you want to be intimate
        * MAKE LOVE to her, don't just "have sex" *

Don't be satisfied until SHE is, (and learn how to nibble)
  Learn how to have mutual climax, (you'll thank me) 
    Learn the special places on her body that make her crazy
      (Nape of her neck, behind her knee, her ear, under her arm, palm of her
        Hand, dimples on her back, inside her thigh ... there are MORE!)

Find those places and make love to them with your hands and mouth ...
  Tenderly ... write naughty words there in cursive with your fingertips
    Make pleasing her in bed your most important job!
      LEARN what she likes and doesn't like, and be attentive to it ALL
        Learn how she likes to kiss, and do it for hours

Kiss her everywhere ... and savor every inch
  Kiss her with some of her hair between your mouths
    Kiss her upside-down, (trust me ... it's amazing!)
      Taste her like she's the most delectable, expensive candy you've ever had
        And then share it with her ... in a kiss

NEVER let her go to bed or say goodnight ANGRY or unsatisfied
  Find out what makes up her "Knight in Shining Armor", and BE it
    DO. NOT. CHEAT. EVER ...
      If you can't be faithful, you should not be with her ... period.
        Jeremy Piven once said, "The Fidelity Bank and Trust is a tough creditor,

"If you make a deposit somewhere else, they close your account ... FOREVER!"
  Learn it. Remember it. LIVE by it.
    Make her smile ... make it be your smile.
      Love her fearlessly, proudly, honestly, loyally, and DEEPLY.
        Dance with her at unusual times ... even if there's no music or dance floor

BE CLEAN, take care of yourself, wear what she likes to see on you
  Be polite and caring, and make sure others RESPECT her
    Always, always make her the most important thing in your life
      And make sure she FEELS that way
        Don't be possessive, but be protective

Don't be forceful, but be assertive
  Don't be angry, but be passionate
    Don't be weak, but be tender
      Don't be crass, but be sensual
        Don't act stupid, but make her feel intelligent

Don't act like a loser, but let her win
  Don't act indecisive, but let her choose
    Don't act foolish, but let her guide you
      And most of all ...
        Treat her like the princess or queen that she DESERVES to be!

I know this isn't everything, but it's a good start
  Besides, I'm still learning ...
    And NO ONE will ever learn it all ...
      Such is the sublime and wondrous enigma called WOMAN ...
        And we wouldn't have it any other way.

* I just wrote this entire poem for the "Men Your Advice To Another Man On Females" Poetry Contest, and then remembered it was for RHYME only! Such are the wages of growing old, lol. Ugh! *