To T Hose Who Don'T Believe In God
To Those Who Don’t Believe In God…
To those who don’t believe in God…
I’ve a question for you!
Have you taken the time to think of all he’s done for you?
You can say “I don’t believe in God,” if you want to.
But this doesn’t change the fact of how much he loves you!
You can think of all the arguments against God, if you insist.
How much longer will you doubt him? As you persist?
There shall come a day when death shall knock at your door.
And then you’ll find out what your life was meant for!
It was God who created you! And had a purpose in mind!
This was for him to have fellowship
with all of mankind!
He sent Jesus to die for us! A sacrifice was made!
Mankind had a huge debt of sin that God ultimately paid!
I hope you’ll think a minute or two the next time you doubt him!
There’ll come a time when you’ll
feel very lonely without him!
There may be things about God you don’t yet understand.
But you can have the faith to accept his salvation plan.
Believing in God asks of faith and belief from your heart.
Getting on your knees before him
is a good place to start!
Allow his words of life and comfort to reach your soul!
He wants to do so much for you,
than you’ll ever know!
By Jim Pemberton 02/16/15