To the Boy Who Could Not Sleep
You cannot sleep, you tell me
spitting forth frustration
angry sentiments of a scorned heart
Your dreams are robbed
You have been ridiculed
all day
in a world where
You don’t quite understand the rules
every word you spoke today was the wrong one
You crossed lines unknowingly
doors were shut in your face doors
of opportunity
Your love and passion
which you felt was real
was mocked—
so you cannot put away such thoughts
You come to me frowning, heated
seeking sympathy
But son,
you are young
you know not what ropes
truly bind the soul
what thoughts throttle the heart
in the darkness of night
you have been betrayed, deceived
by strangers amongst whom
you sought fortune and acknowledgement
but this, I tell you
is no shame, no grief
you have not felt the cuts
of those you thought dearest
those you thought you knew
that hair those lips those eyes that heart
now coloring and darting away
leaving icy holes
in your chest
you know not yet
that the curse of a sleepless night
does not burn with anger
it is cold, so cold
and so lonely
So say not another word now
and go
you may sleep in peace
for you are not a father.