To the Lips That Inspired This
To the Lips that inspired this !
Kiss me my Love that I may live again,
For the night is cruel and my lips long for your sweet resurrection.
As God breathed life into Adam, breathe life into me with those divine lips.
Lips fashioned after the tree of life for through them I will live forever.
I have found my rest, my sabbath.
They say the eyes are window to the soul,
Well I have found the door, the portal to paradise, whose fruit are evergreen.
Fruit which nourishes my soul and invigorates my being.
As we engage in this sweltering symphony of passion, with each gasp
And sigh our youth is renewed.
The stars our audience applaud our audacity to love so unafraid.
To observers kissing is a collision of lips.
To me kissing is the reorientation to the living.
So kiss me again my love, that I may live again.