To Tiger, With Love a True Story
To Tiger, With Love (A True Story)
"My pen drips of sorrow and on this paper, I write each tear"
~gone without a worldly trace,
I’m left alone, the world to face…
with one went my wholeness grace,
my treasure laid up in heavenly place…
~O my feline friend, my wholeness grace,
I’m left alone in the world to face…
many days I yearned and did pace,
missing your playful moods and face…
~one year ago said Love, my grace,
very soon your absence I would face…
with one, was laid up wholeness grace.
My Love said that morning to my face…
“with your return Tiger will be gone,
do not be alarmed, I do him no harm…
with your friend, there shall be not end,
wholesome grace is laid up for one in friend.”
~I kissed the nature face of wholesome grace,
he meowed goodbye, later I would cry…
as the dawn of grace later was to be faced,
in sorrow, the human man would soon pace…
~I remember the morning as yesterday,
and the many ways we used to play…
my neutered Manx possessed many pranks,
to him, I dedicate my wholesome thanks…
~unique, you were wholesome, meek,
your life to me was wholesome Love’s peak…
I hear his meow in wholesome ethereal Spirit,
beckoning…beckoning… my soul bonds ever close to it.
My Manx cat ‘Tiger’ is heavenly stored! This is a true story, believe it or not.
My inner conscience said to me the morning of the 19 of July this year before
I left to go into town, that Tiger would not be there at home when I returned
for he would be taken and with him, my treasures would be stored in heaven.
I said my goodbyes only half believing my sacred precept voice. Sure enough,
when I returned, my Tiger was gone without a trace. Sure, the concept of
the human mind could explain this paranormal phenomenon away.
But this was my eight year cat’s first and only leave from home,
whom I had raised from a kitten.