To Whom does This Come
Line of inquiry:
“I am not the body, which is but dust
I am not fickle and limited mind
To whom then comes the feral thrust of lust
Or for that matter, thoughts loving and kind"
I am not just the body which is a husk,
Which will wither and rot in no time.
I am the kernel inside that sequesters life.
Neither am I a jumble of thoughts,
Emanating from my fickle mind.
I know my body is brittle and will turn to dust.
Like a clam in its protective shell,
My body is just an outer covering
Where my soul is securely fastened.
I am a triplicate of body, mind and soul
I am meant to become whole…
I must become whole.
From the crippling outrages of lust,
From the strangulating chains of ego,
That bind me, I must set myself free.
Perhaps this resolve has come to me,
From incorporeal intuition and insight which hover,
Unchained above the regions of reason
And the cravings of lust and greed.
When consumed by hatred’s fire and demeaning lust,
I shall strive to make something new out of me;
Something that will spark a ray of hope
A flicker bright, a beacon in troubled waters.
I will seek shelter under my Heavenly Father’s wings,
Where his loving kindness awaits
To fill hearts with bliss and peace.
Within human frame, there is a constant war,
Waged between satisfying transient emotions
And for attaining immortal bliss and grace.
One, the body presses, but the soul rejects
The other, the soul presses but the body rejects.
When hatred and jealousy sow their bitter seeds,
Compassion and kindness bloom in quiet deeds.
When hearts are filled with love and empathy,
Weary hours shall sink to blend with quiet peace,
And we will begin to think that heaven isn’t far away!