To You . . Once More All Over Again
In case I should not live another day
I must tell you now before I forget
Of the treasures you hold within you
Have possession of in the many pages like these
I must pass it all on before I forget
Where I have lived to die and rebirth from
I must tell you now before I forget
The what of all I know lies in these pages
Lies on the once virgin pages stained now by this pen
The many pens to fall before it
To strike my soul across the lines into forever
I must show you before I forget
Where to look and how to unlock the gates
The many riddles captured within all these tales
Every poem I have written is about someone I know
Have known, never did, wanted to, wished to and I did, I do
I must apologise to you before I forget
All that I have placed before you on the page
Is true and shall ever hold true despite my ending
The learning’s are good guide posts, way-markers many
I am all that I wrote have written will write this night
To know me as you learn of life, find my past
Seeking my life as I have lived it and all of me shall be
Plain to your eyes that see as deeply as mine
I must tell you now before I forget
Coffee would have been nice
No, it would have been wonderful
I must apologise to you before I forget