Twenty one years of your love,
Twenty one years of your hugs,
A tale of our happy home,
All wrapped in one poem,
Our wonderful kids,
Twenty one years of bliss,
We now sing in chorus,
How much this means to us,
And it doesn't need to be said,
The best times are ahead,
Where our love always will,
Grow even moreso still,
I love your scrunched up grin,
You are indeed my best friend,
You have cared for me always,
And now I want more todays,
When you jump in my arms,
Full of pure love and charm,
I thank the Lord for all I have,
As a spoiled husband and Dad,
So on this most precious and revered day,
Vickie, I love you in every possible way,
And thank the Lord you agreed to marry,
Me, on this great day, our anniversary,