today, I die.
Don't Cry, this is the way it is. Don't cry, it's ok.
I'm ready. it's so different, when you know you have to go. everything seems pointless. All I ever stressed about, thought about, and cried about, gone. All I can think about is what lies ahead. In a moment I'll begin my journey into an eternal world. Where my past decisions guide me to my destination. What will heaven be like? Will I get to Heaven? A couple of minutes all I could think about was my mother. How dare she do what she did! A couple of minutes ago, all I could think about was how long before I moved away. How quick that has all changed. My anger brought my actions. and now I lay, I lay here...hopeless. Don't cry. I know I made my mark. And I'll always remain, in your hearts......I sat there in church, in front of a coffin, a man. Stitched lips and powdered face. I saw what death brought, and felt nothing. I sat, watching, staring, as some mourned. Not me. I sat there watching, gazing. Around me, someone was sad, not because of death, but because she lost her cell phone. In front of me lay death, and around me, no one cared. Will I matter. will people lose their cell phones at my funeral. Mother: I'm sorry. I know for 16 years you've done your best. Mother I'm sorry, I want you to know. I did notice all the things you did for me. You'd give yourself to not lose me. A working woman, a mother of three. I noticed. I love you mom, don't cry. dad. you weren't there much, most of my life. its ok. I know that if you could, you would. dad, don't cry. I hold no grudges. for all of you that I talked to, for mom, for dad, for my sisters, and for YOU, don't cry. i have to go now. God.. I'm ready. I'm sorry, I know I messed up...but I was good. Today...I die. it's ok. I'm ready. My whole body...It's warm, a sensation, a tingle, a swarm. now.. I die its ok don't cry, I’m ready.