As I was walking,
I crushed a midge with my
Newly coloured lips –
The same lips I once kissed you with.
After a pondering second, I concluded,
I was mistaken; I should have kissed
The blood sucking punkie
With passion instead…
The wind was brisk
Spraying dust into my eyes,
On the wings of death’s head hawk
It spurted burning floods…
But, the dampened; it soon dried,
And my tears were not for you.
Even if the irritation makes
Me squint for a while or more…
As I was eating
On a shaded wooden bench,
The insect military invaded my meal.
A good swat with a newspaper proved
Insignificant - just as the trampled ant was.
I imagined it was you, as the headlines
Hurtled from above, this time,
You were helpless…
With modesty dear,
Let me apologise for my bitterness.
See, it is only my mood for