Today Is the Day of Sad Memories
Let's embrace and comfort each other,
because today is the day of sad memories:
awakening both the agony and the pain;
and should tears fall, don't wipe them...
let them gently flow into the fountain of grief.
Did that tragedy change us entirely,
bonding us together as a stronger Nation?
And shouldn't we pray and sing together
with the survivors of that horrible morning...
remembering that today is the day of sad memories?
No rain will be falling as it did last year, and how could we mourn
as yesterday and not understand that our beloved ones
do not wish us to grieve anymore? Perhaps sending smiles
to Heaven will help us realize that our prayers will make them smile...
wishing that today wouldn't be the day of sad memories.
On Ground Zero, where the mighty towers fell,
thousands will gather around the beautiful Memorial
with flowers and candles in their hands, being assured
that angels will guard this most sacred place...
to remind everyone that today is the day of sad memories.
My poem is dedicated to the victims and survivors of September 11