Today's Syllabus (For Anwar Amilcar)
Look, boy, I will not say I am not proud of you
You building foundations for my pyramid so soon
I pray for you blessings in times of sun and moon
I pray your table banquets of joy may feast you
And that the mother of my grandchildren will be
Clothed with honor from your lips, and comforts
From your hands. A woman and wife deserves glory
For bringing our being and future into present courts
Of existential history. Shelter her with your heart
And be slow to anger never when her moods depart
The callous ways of the masculine will to do. Yet
Now, let me write you another truth of love, my son
I did not expect you to come to fatherhood and fret
Of for all the building work of self undone. Life's ton
Needs muscles of character, braced by a bright mind
To carry things to happy conclusion that needs seek.
You will search the years ahead, but will never find
The past of opportunities that fashion gifts. A meek
Man learns before experience teaches him the things
That make the old sing Psalms and pray for wings.
True education is the legacy of the past that we use
As keys for tomorrow's doors, without it, child we may
Travel in circles, and the journey takes us in a noose
Of fumbling frustrations ... and then to slow, slow decay.
What skills have life taught your hands, what will you
Teach your children ... a stone is only solid sand, which
Will you build upon? Will you see her eyes like a dew
Sparkling with pride when she looks at you? Yes, a rich
Purse is necessary, but riches is a treasure we earn
From the reward of service. O, my son, look and learn
For kindness of the heart, and passion of the hands are
More than diamonds hidden in the distant dream of stars.
Today's syllabus is my love ... and love hides its scar
In praise, dwell with your woman in peace, regret is war,
And you who war with your soul shall drink bitterness
From soggy tears; my son, love seeks the other's happiness.