Love Poem: Tomboy
David Welch Avatar
Written by: David Welch


She danced wildly amidst the crowd taunting man and woman alike
Though she was playing at all of our wants tonight

She possessed everything men like in a girl 
And the charisma of man to make the girls whirl

I say well done at such a feat
Her smile enchanting her voice sweet

Her hair a flame of yellow and black
Cut short to not hold her back

Her body lean and not lacking 
Her eyes a blue like a wave attacking

Bejeweled ears and a posture that was so
Captivating hearts began to slow

My gaze shifted head to toe in awe
Of this maiden that seemed to me all…

Then I awoke from my reverie to realize
That I will have to go with out this prize

To sea I go to conquer my fears
As I leave lifes gems behind with no tears