Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
At Dinner on the banks of the Danube
Tomorrow and tomorrow. The nightingale serenades the
Gathering dusk; a distant siren clears passage on the
Broad stream, bells ring out from nearby church to
Sound the hour, though once they called to prayer or
Tolled the curfew, that knell of parting day.
The air softens: at once an early heat of summer assumes
Proper mantle of spring; silence is no more assaulted
By the business of the day, only conversation and a hearty
Laugh punctuate the stillness. The expressionless waiter
Takes my order, then grins in approval at my choice.
Suddenly, the passing parade breaks this dreaming reverie;
A tall and shapely Miss, dressed to impress, brings a knowing
Smile and two hands of five from the local opposite, who has
Caught my eye following her pleasing form. We laugh and
Blush in unison, strangers now brothers for a brief moment.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow: passing time, and
All our sorrows, unchanged though centuries have passed
Since first those words were writ. The Thane of Cawdor had
But sour wit and his future bought by misfortune of another;
But I, in my reverie, see many more tomorrows to come.
My hour lingers; blessed with a grand inheritance, my Acts
Play out with excitement and always eager anticipation
Of what is yet to come. Tomorrow and tomorrow; though
Shades of the past haunt my dreams, yet the morning brings
Renewal, times yet to come drawing me onwards, ever onwards.
Tomorrow: ever new, ever unknown; ever full of the memory of
Resurrection: Mahler’s hymn to the future played on the theme
Of Death.
Death of memory; tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow.