Too Late
As i walk down the hallway of my school,i can't help but wonder what people are
thinking when they see me walk by.
In my mind im hearing the worst.
When i look in the miror i dont see pretty,i see desguisting.
When i cry myself to sleep at nights,wondering why i was never good enough for
him,i think to myself,maybe im not good enough for life in itself.Maybe it would be
easier to end it all right now.
I see the razor blade sitting on the top shelf of the bathroom cabinet.
I should cut my self,from my shoulder down to my wrist.From my thigh to my
ankle.From my heart to my belly button.From cheek to cheek.
Then i see the bottle of pills,sitting there taunting me on how he left me and took
my heart with him.
I put down the razor blade,decide cutting isnt the way.
I open the pill bottle,down 22 painkillers in 15 seconds flat.
I fall to the floor and go unconsense,to a deep sleep that ill never wake up out of.
A week later my parents come to my funeral,asking where they went wrong.Why
there child went to these measurments.
There not the only people wondering where they went wrong,there he is,standing
in his black suit,wondering why he didnt call me sooner to tell me he loved me
and he made a mistake.As he cries and blames himself for going to tht one last
party instead of calling me. He wanted to tell me i was the only girl in his
life,theonly girl he will ever love. Before he knew it,he was to late.