Too Many Churches Are Becoming Political
Too Many Churches Are Becoming Political…
Have you noticed? This may seem to be “heretical.”
As more churches are becoming too “political”
What in the world are churches doing “for heaven’s sake.”
Do many in churches think about what’s at stake?
We’re to be the body of Christ with fellow believers.
Have we become like the “doormat sweepers?”
Rather than making Godly decisions and choices.
Too many in church listen to “outside voices.”
The politics of the day seem to “sweep the moment.”
Godly principles often take a “postponement.”
When churches govern by man’s “set of rules.”
The building has then become “a bunch of fools!”
Christ is coming for a church “washed in the blood of the lamb.”
The importance of Godly living… Many don’t understand!
A message of holiness and repentance need to be heard!
A deep passion and love for Christ is seldom stirred!
As many seek after their own doctrine and denomination...
Much of what’s happening has become an abomination!
It’s time to wake up and be filled with God’s awesome power!
Christ could come now! This could be the hour!
It’s time for Churches to be a Godly influence!
Taking a stand for God’s word and making a difference!
“Unless the lord builds the house… They labor in vain that build it.”
Christ must be the foundation!
His presence must completely fill it!
By Jim Pemberton