Her voice resonates in my mind,
No other melodious voice I can find,
Her smile is an infectious delight,
It accompanies me from dawn to twilight,
Oh! Sail back to me my beloved,
For to no other I would be involved,
Hasten to come to me,
Let no tempestuous sea be,
I await your return,
The memories of you, I can't downturn,
Let’s rekindle the embers of our love,
Let it come back to us like a dove,
My nights have been on a bed of thorns,
I haven’t had a calm sleep for once,
Bring back the nights I held you in my arms,
Captivate me with your charms,
Let’s build a wall around us,
Our love is not allowed to spin and toss.
July 18, 2022,
Rhyme Rumi Quote Poetry Contest,
Sotto Poet.