Torn Apart
A piece of me has been torn apart
All of you have broken my heart
The tears are still coming and going
And I can still feel my heart burning
I know that this was coming
But I pretended and kept on going
I defy the critics, break up the plots
And dodge every bullets and shots
Everyone wondered how you pull through
When everyone was against you
They infiltrate the media, bugged the doors
And penetrate the guards on the floor
Some of the critics drank strong drinks
To build up and create a lying story about you
So that the general public could hate you
I study their style carefully and tuned them in and out daily
They knew that I cared about you
So they bring on people who would say horrible things about you so that I could hate you
Sometimes it hurts me to the core
and sometimes I close them out and stamped the floor
I could see through all of them
So I had to pray a special prayer for them
Even though some of them despised you
The world sympathized with you
Sometimes it feels like a Truman show
But every day I know that it is real
Because I can feel my heart beat
It was created to have me on the go
So that they could end the show
I have been with you from the day I met you
I have carried you in my heart
And pray every day for you not to depart
I was holding on for you, and I did everything
Sincerely for you, but no one told you
Even when they were pulling me away from you
I kept holding on, and hoping for you to get a breakthrough
But every day the twist and turns keeps me going around and around
and the ball kept rolling up and down the town
The assassinators got the orders to kill
The suicide bombers got the order to explode
And the bank robber got the order to rob the bank and disappear
Despite these atrocious orders I am still here
Most recently I went on a short journey
To see what was awaiting me
But all the signs and symbols tells me
That something unpleasant was awaiting me
The horses in the sun and the scenes I left behind me was an indication that death was at my door
They delayed boarding on the plane and the engineer at the pilot’s seat tell me that something was about to take place
I was placed at seat number thirteen next to the emergency exit and a strange man tried to force his way in the empty seat fifteen minutes before the plane landed but me and the flight attendant stopped him before he got in
So everything did not go according to the infidel’s plan
God’s power was holding my hand
For all indication the plan was to hurt me
But heaven would not have it to be so
I am still hurting, and the tears are still flowing
I can still feel you walking by my side
With a passion that is bigger than your pride
They have stopped talking about you
Because they think that they have gotten rid of you
But somewhere deep down in my heart I know that you will finally get what you wanted before the break of dawn
The world has always been led by the things it has caused upon itself
And the time is approaching for us to be together to have supper
My whole body is aching and I cannot rid myself of this feeling
It is not the decision that you have made,
I know that the things that have transpired around you is for you to get a break through
Some say that it is within the national interest but others say ,it’s about the bulls in the pen.
Two bulls cannot reign in the same pen
I am still hurting and the tears are still flowing
I cannot get over this pain that has provoked me all day
It’s just the way you have been treated from the day you were sworn in
They have used a bunch of people without portfolio, to harass, humiliate, and create disorder, they come from all background and they speak things that were not profound
Every day I listen and absorb it all
They talk about you, and they slander you
Sometimes it stirs my emotions
And sometime it caused a commotion
But through it all you held your grounds and stood tall
You have stood there and took the blame for something that you have not created at all
You have been abused by men in grey suits
Who did not want to see you go through
They call themselves rulers of the world but they have made themselves the biggest fools
When God’s will is done and I am looking forward to that day when the sun will go down and cool down the earth and we will have fun
My heart is aching and the tears are still flowing
I don’t know where I am going, but my spirit is growing and I am still praying
Here I am waiting,
Waiting for my dream to come through
Here I am waiting for you.
Come and see me so that I can go through
My heart is aching for you.