Torn Rose
"Roses represents love,
Violets represents compaionship,
Hands are held together
Through disruptive days and nights"
Handled that Rose with loving care
Made its counterpart, Violet, complete
The hands were held longer
Than the hairs of ones own head
Had blooming flower beds grown
Around their feet without worrying fear
When the Violet wasn't blooming anymore
And the same hands that were held broken,
The Rose became torn into emotional clouds
Of thunder and rain
Its red bloom fainted into the shallow darkness
Of its own destruction
"Why has it to be Violet? Please take me instead!"
The Torn Rose fell to its stem and pleaded,
But it would take a whole year
Till Violet will grow into the same blossom
It was already heartbreaking for the Torn Rose
And too heavy for the lost of Violet
In a matter of weeks,
Torn Rose couldn't handle the suffering
And let its stem and leaves fall onto the ground
So that when Spring came again
Both Violet and Rose can be together again