Love Poem: Transitions....


Losing a love is traumatic….the pain is relentless.…
The emptiness, the disconnection from all you knew….
Or thought you knew…. from those you loved…..
From those you thought loved you….you disappear….

You drift for hours….days….months….years….
Observing life around you….never engaging in it again…
Never risking any more pain….never risking living….
Your heart and soul….up on a shelf….protected and safe….

Then – out of nowhere – someone slips into your life….
Totally unexpected….totally uninvited….yet welcome…. 
Ever so slowly reconnecting….learning to breathe again….
Learning to laugh again….learning to love again….

The fear is still there….of another loss….of disillusion….
Like the ebb and flow of the sea….is it real or is it not?….
Will it be there tomorrow….is it really here today? ....
Can you truly trust again....can you truly love again? ....

Do you really want to take the it worth it? ....
To trust in life….to trust in love….to trust in yourself? ….
What if you’re hurt again….what if you’re left again?....
The answer is “Yes” it is worth it….it’s called “Living”!....

Living to dance again….living to see the world again….
Living to laugh again….living to love and be loved again….
Living to be with family….living to believe again….
Living with the gratitude for a chance to be alive again….

The transition is never ending….take a chance….