Love Poem: Transparent
Daniel Berg Avatar
Written by: Daniel Berg


For what it's worth,
You had me, 
For what it's worth,  
I can see.
My love was not enough. 
Not quite the right stuff.
Marooned at sea, a soul afloat, 
Drifting out with dwindling hope.
Shimmers past of love once known, 
Shimmers past of thoughts alone.
Why is this the way things are, 
Left with nothing but a scar.
For what it's worth,
You had me,
For what it's worth, 
I can see.
Emotions in me stir the beast,
Ferocious once it was.  
Pray to God for this to cease,
Prayers heard, but no release. 
Get up my son and lift your heart,
Once together, now apart.
The light you must follow,
For the life you seek. 
It will guide you, heart and soul. 
Sin no more and be made whole. 
Walk with christ, he knows the way.
Surrender your pain, fear, dismay.
Trials forward, strength endure, 
The way is wrought with frivolous allure.
For what it's worth,
You had me,
For what it's worth, 
I can see. 
I cannot beg, gifts not given.
One must work, to be risen.
Difficult it seems to heal,
Pain inside is all I feel. 
How to cope, how to change,
How to be more then rage.
Alas I suffer every day,
Colors of my life now gray.
Tastes empty, 
Sounds muffled.
Touch dulled, 
Thoughts shuffled.
For what it's worth,
You had me.
For what it's worth, 
I can see.