Treasures of Your Soul
I have little of this world's pelf,
But there is one thing I pride in myself.
I have a family that I deeply treasure.
My love for them is beyond all measure!
Some folks take pride in material goods,
And live in upscale neighborhoods.
I am happy to live a simple life,
With a dear, caring and loving wife!
Other folks take pride to show their fancy abode.
The mortgage I'm quite sure is a terrible load!
I take more pride showing a crib so simple,
Where our slumbering babes display cute dimple!
To further add to my treasure account,
I have grandkids 'til I've almost lost count!
Even great grandkids, can you believe,
Adding more love for the family to cleave!
I would cede all treasure on this earth,
To have family gathered about my hearth,
Exchanging "I love yous" and fond embraces,
And seeing sweet smiles spread upon their faces!
Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired
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