Treat Others How You Want To Be Treated
The littlest deeds still go a long way.
So better the world and try it today.
People don't realize the good they can do,
By holding doors open and smiling too.
Try to be chivalrous, try to be meek.
Try to be humble whenever you speak.
Others will notice the way that you are.
A light so unique, shines bright like a star.
Relay the message, conquer the kindness.
Replays impressive, actions are mindless.
We live to laugh, and love to be loved.
Turn both your cheeks, when pushed and then shoved.
Intuitiveness is a trick of the trade.
Instinctive bliss results moments well played.
"Treat others how you want to be treated."
This motto of life makes smiles repeated.
-Yours Truly