Tribute to Skye Kendall
Can you know without knowing?
What is in your hands that’s not showing?
Is it the brilliant light of a child’s wonder?
We gaze into her blue eyes and ponder.
The magical warm light is from her heart.
It moves and flows in you to never part.
Reaching in kindness with a vibrant touch.
The amazing light of her smile means so much.
The Child gifts you with pleading eyes.
Love blossoms in you and you wonder why.
Alone in the dark you cry and cry as your heart breaks.
She rushes to you with smiles and hugs you cannot shake.
The silent night recedes in the radiant light.
To show the beauty of her cheerful delight.
The child spreads out her heavenly wings.
Arms wide, She starts to magically sing.
We gasp knowing the angel heals with a song.
We are comforted that we now belong.