Troublesome me
In my life the X would equal crazy
You'd need more than a calculator
To figure out all the kinks
There are so many steps
and so many rules
So many errors
and no pencil or white out
To remove
I should have my own tv show
Than everyone would really know
How troublesome my life really was
How complicatedly
and completely insane it is
But to tell the truth I love it
I wouldn't trade not even a piece
Cause in this bubble
In this troublesome circle
I exsist
That might sound strange
But normal has never been my thing
I live in the inconsistancies
If i'd never experienced pain
I wouldn't know how good it feels
To be happy
So I welcome that emotional strain
and the tears
The rain soon will pass
I'll forever be troublesome until my last
has past
And i'm completely content
With never having perfect sunshine
Because this little heart of mines
Would never be as strong as it is
without troublesome me
Falling and getting back on my feet