True Americanism
Although I could be wrong,
I think it really is the case,
that unity will always make us strong,
And that America is a gift from God to us all,
And that togetherness will make us grow tall.
It's like this, regardless of how it seems;
How it seems as if bursting at the seams;
How it appears that its demise is inevitable.
I understand Americanism is as simple as can be.
Yet, it can be as complicated as one has ever imagined.
But we are descendants of 'overcoming people' who built
the mold of brotherhood. May we never break that mold.
Let's take a minute or two and dismiss its complications.
For a New York minute, let's set aside its myriad complexities.
Let's take a moment to confess its imperfections and intolerances.
I cherish the memory of a Texan who used to say, "It's just that simple".
When you are you, and I am me, we are two; but we have the power to become one. What good shall come from two, if we fear and fight, rather than love each other? What good shall come if we implode upon ourselves or explode into a thousand pieces? What good shall come of us if we become 'a relic of history', 'a once upon a time memory'? And what good shall come of us and our descendants if we do not give ourselves a fighting chance?
I dream of unity that builds cathedrals and metropolises, not divisions that breed destruction.