True Love
My heart rate dramatically increases and I have a moment of weakness when he
is near.
My stomach turns into knots and my breath is constricted.
My thoughts, never ending with the love I feel and my heart and soul know no fear
His faint scent and devilish smile with a great heart left me so addicted,
I see his heart and soul in those soft hazel eyes
He encompasses me in his warm, safe, tender embrace
My heart rate increases and in that moment of weakness, I look to the skies,
In hopes for a magnificent angel to stop time in its place.
In a moment’s time, my world turned to darkness and happiness faded away
He walked out of my world as quickly as he came in and stole my heart.
I lost any sense of direction and time in a day
Lost in deep dark sea of painful thoughts, not knowing were to start.
My hands and arms continue to reach for him although he is not here.
My eyes continue to search for his, but no one is to be found
My broken heart filled with so many emotions and nothing is clear
Clouded by memories and love, my soul is finally bound.
But yet I take one stride at a time in hopes to come closer to the one that holds
my heart,
I step from the cold darkness, in which he once left me behind,
I pick up the broken pieces and look forward to a new start
A beginning with faith and hope to guide me in my true love, I will find.