True Love
True love
To love is not to possess,
To own or imprison,
Nor to lose sense of one’s self in another.
Love is the coming together of two,
To better yourself as you grow and start your family together.
Love is to find comfort ,
in who we really are
Removing dependency,
Whilst perfectly joined in the solace of permanent commitment
To one’s self,
and to eachother
Love is stronger when it flows freely,
Communicating openly and honestly.
moving lovingly like the oceans tide
With synchronicity, kindness and harmony
Love is finally,
despite a child’s greatest fears or an adults deepest wounds,
A chance to be openly free
Showing who you really are–and secretly always were,
In the very core of your being.
Love is being on the same team even when fighting, best friends forever, confidents, soul comforters.
Love is a never ending journey
Shared and bound for eternity.
9/1/2022 - OHMYWEDDING