True Love Does Not Care
True love does not care
True love is a dragon sleeping deep within the realms of our souls
Hibernated until awakened by its other half
Once alive it is an uncontrollable beast on the hunt
It destroys any notion you have held of love before
True love is simple and uncomplicated
True love is a creator of lives
And a destroyer of worlds
True love does not care if you are in the middle of a life
It will wreck you with its single mindedness
Those who judge have never felt true love
Or were lucky enough to find their other half first
True love does not care about weddings and appearances or social mores
True love cares about proximity
True love is a consumer
It devours time with fantasies and dreams
It takes in years as quickly as a mortal second
True loves thirst cannot be quenched
Once you have drank from truest love's lips
nothing will ever again quell the hunger
True love does not care about feelings
True love does not care about the pain of others
Only stopping the aching from separation of its other half
Only a human being is ignorant enough to slap the gods in the face over their gift
Only an arrogant human would fight a feeling so strong
Are we noble for hiding our pain for the sake of others
Are we lucky to have found each other and known truest simplest happiness for the briefest of times.
Are we lucky because our paths crossed and we were able to experience each other
Were we lucky to have made a connection so deep that most will never understand
Or are those who have never experienced the excruciating pain and joy of true love luckiest
To lead a life of quiet happy contentment or know the taste of the person put here for you.