True Love Is Never Forgotten
I have never forgotten our love
And I will never forget it until I die
Many years of sorrow have passed
But the wound in my heart has never healed
Remember the many kisses we exchanged
Remember all the tears we shed
The burning kisses and the scalding tears
That to the depths of the sea have gone
I have not forgotten this love
How could you have forgotten it?
A love that bound us like a chain
A chain that can never be broken
You still return to me in my dreams at night
Before my eyes I see you every day
How many sweet nights we passed together
How cruel the destiny that has betrayed us.
No peace shall it find in the presence of God
This infamous cruel destiny that betrayed us
Infamous - cruel and heartless
That separated us for all eternity
What remains is just your picture for remembrance
I never grow weary of gazing upon it
I kiss it, I bathe it with my tears, I hold it to my heart
And weep for the sad ending of our love.
O Vera Ammore Non Si Scorda Mai
Numaggio mai scurdate e chesta ammore
E nummo scorde chiu' sino che' more
Sono passati tant'anni di dolore
E num si e' chiuse chiu' sta chiaga o core
Ricordi quanti vase ce simmo date
Ricordi quante lacrimo chiagnute
Vase e fuoche e lacrime cucente
Che tutte a funne o mare sene' so ghiute
Io non meso' scordate a chesta ammore
Tu comme tu putive mai scurda'
E' stato nammore troppo incatenato
Catene che nun si ponne mai spezza'
Mi viene ancora nsuonno tutte e' notte
Ti vego o iotnre nante all'uocchi miei
Quante nuttate doce avimmo passate
E penza e distino nfame che cia' tradute
Nun'anna trava' pace nanzi a dio
Chella nfama ca ci fece o trarimento
Nfame e scelleratee senza core
Ci fece sparte a nuie etermamente
Me' remase o ritratto tuoi pe ricordo
Nun me stancasso mai du guarda'
O' vase o' bagne e lacrime mo strengo o' core
E chigane a fine triste e checsta ammore.
By Giuseppe Pasquale Liguori and Robert James Liguori