Tryna Embrace Me
I'm trying to find that girl
Those eyes
The one who saw it all but never got
I dreamed I could be the girls that I saw
The ones whose lives seem to have it all
So I changed and rearranged
Until I was a mirror image of them
I thought I could hide the pain that they cause behind closed doors
So I sat and pretended it didn't hurt and the scars mended
At least I thought it did
Now i'm finding that the grass is worse
And my feelings still get hurt on this side
I want out...
I'm trying to embrace me.
The old person that I used to be.
I'm tired of all this attention.
I want to go back to when they didn't listen.
I just want to be hidden away, Somewhere safe from the person i've become.
I'm tired of pleasing everyone
Feeding this hunger
I wanna go under and come back someone else...
As I stare into the mirror my reflection brings me a smile
Cause I like the appearance but I don't like how I feel
I used to wonder how people with so much power could want to give it up
But now I see
I'm losing parts of me
I'm really conflicted...
I dispise the new me, yet the old me dispises what i've become
I reach out and touch her hand
She's still there
A tear falls down my eyes
As I try to embrace the old me
She vanishes
I'm alone