Tug of War
Full of questions
Full of fears
Full of temptations
The burden bears
The love in me is dehydrated
I need to quench my thirst
I’m trying to get to my destination
But I fall and I get hurt
I put up this barricade
People play with my feelings
Like a game at an arcade
I always run my hardest
Yet I am always falling short
I am parading my failure
Like it’s an Olympic sport
I am watching all the stars
In the sky and on TV
That picture perfect life
Why couldn’t that be me?
I don’t have that silver platter
I get a plastic plate
I’m not sitting life in luxury
Working hard must be my fate
I guess I’m playing tug of war
With the rope to succeed or fail.
But neither of them is winning
I guess the game will prevail
So here I am, I am stuck
without my raincoat, Just my luck!
I’m starting to feel like I am a pebble in everyone’s shoe
And the lies people tell me
Are starting to come true
I learned how to play chess
So I can be three steps ahead
But I never win against whom I am going head to head
It’s like a TKO every single time
How can I make lemonade
When I was given a lime?
I can usually get what I want
Just no what I need
I am always able to take a breath
But it is polluted air I breathe.
But it really is ok
Im ok with it now,
Once success wins this tug of war,
I will proudly take a bow.