Tunnel of Understanding -- and Love
The time had arrived to dig my tunnel.
My vision was full now, full and complete.
I knew what to strive for, knew where to reach:
I'd dig a tunnel to Understanding, a vision sweet,
A Tunnel where Friends and Lovers could meet.
I'd select my tools with wisdom, with care and delight:
First I'd choose 'Listening with Both Ears,'
and with 'All of my Might'
To fully comprehend everything uttered,
To show each and every speaker
That his words I did hear,
That his thoughts I held dear.
Then I'd pick 'Empathy,' to bond with each speaker,
To walk a mile in his shoes,
To have been there, done that,
So he'd really trust me
To offer support and sage counsel
Because, yes, I really did have a clue.
And last but not least, I'd pick 'Patience and Toleration,'
Two virtues nearly lost in this generation,
But vital to Friendship, to cementing of Trust,
To sustain Relationships that never go bust.
I'd take these tools to the Launch-site and dig
Out the dirt---the gossip, the backbiting,
The Lies, the Taunts, and all of the Slander,
The jealous resentments---replace them with Candor.
And once I had managed to finally remove
All the brambles, all the thistles and thorns,
I'd plant flowers and greenery, sweet peas and corn.
I'd line the walls of the tunnel with soft tenderness,
To ward off predators, to keep out the pests,
Exchanging sewage for sunshine to warm up the nest.
~Yes, using time-honored tools from Heaven Above,
I'd create my tunnel, my vision, of Peace, Friends and Love.