Turning Away From Unwanted Loneliness
When they kiss so tenderly, they imagine plans for a lifetime,
their entwined arms protect what's theirs and precious inside:
they always get the usual looks of envy and unable to separate
these two young sweethearts, they simply give up trying;
staying together is turning away from unwanted loneliness,
building that tomorrow in trust means whatever it may take,
accepting endless joy that enters the happy heart, and this
incites their desire to be truly faithful and keep their longing.
They don't have to choose and wait, fate has already favored them;
could a fickle instinct make them loose their loveliest dream?
Who are more blessed than the ones honoring their promises?
No unexplainable force or unfavorable event can overwhelm them;
could they be tempted by beautiful eyes with such lustful smiles?
Their image of humbleness is unique, and they're admired by others.
Getting to know them is discovering their well-kept secret,
one could write a romance novel from the words they speak;
watch how they hold hands and the tender caresses they seek...
doesn't their happiness declare they are the perfect portrait?