Turning the Page
She gets up
From the bed
Stark naked
Last night
She had got rid
Of all her
Doubts, inhibitions
Shedding her wedding ring
Before shedding
Her clothes
The ring
Carelessly cast away
On the side table
Seems to be
Chasing her
All the way
Her beau
Still deep
In sleep
Snoring “Satisfied!”
So was she
Was she?
“If he can do it,
Why can’t I?
Those vows
Of ‘Remaining together
Till we die’
Completely forgotten
All of them
The same- these men”
Despite her entreaties
There was no stop
To his
Extra marital affair
Her lover
Now up,
Reclining, smiles
“You were fabulous
In bed”, he winks
She’s all confused
Cannot clearly think
Quickly gathers
Her clothes
Heads for
The washroom
Her hand
On the door
Turns around
Another look
At the ring
"What I did
It was
The right thing
Why remain
Imprisoned in a cage?
Better to move on
I've eventually
Turned the page"