The eye decided on a love sonata or an enchilada of a fable made in love.
Eye have a girl she rocks my world she makes me think of beans and things she
loves so fine she listens so well she does it all the live in tells me what is means
to love and eye will answer ewe with this tell me what is means to live with
someone has a love inside a heart and eye depart for worlds unknown when my
babay calls me on the internet eye positively moan in some sort of whimper that
she must never here for she will love too much and mabe even disappear. If she
could see the purple ecstasy my gragon wings leave upon the scars of a
forgotten past she could not last another day. Someday we will kiss and help me
then for let me not get much too elder than eye am now for the old man that eye
become wants to kisss his love and never stop. Someday comes in the movies
there is love. Most people show out showing out is fine when one is young but
there is time when a man gets too old to show out much. The weight begins to
sag and the hanging gardens of Babylon become the south of Franco buttered in
rum and left in cold too long. Later comes to me most every night most every time
eye love. Myopia is a universe of ewe.
AS eye am loving ewe eye am loving myself amid the fantasies of youth the
vagarities of aged mage as the wonderful heart she it is that loves me gives to
this myself me and eye and all of mee eye cry if left too long upon the shelf
please add mee to your mix for love is meant to be taken in self graduated doses
earning kisses we imagine the hearts so kept in tune.
My love is enchilada and love sonata so hotta for mye ewe.
Ewe oph please drink JIMBEAN whiskey make coffee in a plastic jug and learn to
drink it cold. Hold both hands and kiss them melt the CharlaX meet the man reap
the love be mye ewe keep the heart what would life be without the love.