Love Poem: Twisted


You were born to be a filigreed crown
to soar like the swift      never touch ground
but they gave you labels   suiting their thought
words sharpened like knives    in which you were caught
Spoken words in unisons                    cacophony
untouchable     not decent      not fit for family
oh the old wounds                and their residual pain
I just want to           see you soaring again
The others hated you         without any word
their actions spoke louder         than expressions heard
unworthy to speak to           or even be seen
to be hidden from others     aspersions as mean
How on earth    could you possibly shine
when you felt their ridicule    locked forever in time
I watched you dry up       before my own eyes
in the heat of the ire              the flame of despised 
Like an animal branded           wearing its mark
cast out like our Lord         flung from the park
on rocks were you broken         too limp to hold
to crawl and to cower          where reception is cold
The unthinking know not        the powers of word
wrestle not with ideas       conceptions they've learned
who never consider     that our mouths are the flame
that torture the sensitive       stab them with pain
How long does it take       for a heart to die
too scarred to ask questions           or the wondering why
a planet of suffering    the agony of breath
like those barely living          and too slow is death
Where you can hold stars           and dance in the day
to sing of life's joy     partake in its sway
be moved by its chords           like crescendo of song
to be not cast down     like everything's wrong
The scar like a keloid      to thick to peel
weather beaten hard         shielded like steel
Walls like a fortress     the place you reside
away from misfortune         the dark place you hide
Listen my Love      my words are for you
I know where you shine       I've seen them accrue
If I thoughtless hurt you   please let me know
I'm only a student         molded like dough
Break out beloved     create something new
polish your character           bid cruelty adieu
set your sights high      seek always insight
let love be your leader     in words that delight
COPYRIGHT © 2012 C Michael Miller
Via Duboff Law Group LLC