Love Poem: Two-Bob
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Written by: Paul Warren


The rain was what was remembered most
As it tumbled down on that northern coast
Milne Bay was our base and we stayed
Against the Japanese when they held sway

When I left home I said goodbye to her 
A tear and a wave as my heart did stir
In my pocket I had a two-bob piece
Feeling it now gives me some comfort and release

On one side there was our King held dear
And the other side the Australian coat of arms so clear
So sitting in the slit trench I decided then
To send it to her to show our love will not end

Soon the king disappeared from the coin face
As I rubbed it to a flat empty trace
And I wondered what to write on it 
As a keepsake for her and our love forever to fit

So I wrote on it where I had been
In the war against the Japanese not ever clean
And how I fashioned it for her alone 
When my thoughts were of her as I wanted it known

I posted it back to her with a letter of love 
Showing her my love fitting like a hand in a glove
And when the war was over and I came home
She showed it to me wearing it around her neck alone.

© Paul Warren Poetry

Australian servicemen adapted Australian coins and sent them to loved ones as tokens of affection and love.