Two-Week Lovers, Part Ii
The clothes went flying, much fun was had,
she had to admit he wasn't that bad.
So much so that after filming had ceased
she stayed with Norm for another two weeks.
It wasn't all sex, though both had there share,
he took time to show her how he lived there,
how he cut his own wood, grew his own food,
hunted his meat and fished when runs were good.
He seemed to take much pride in surviving,
and though that seemed cool, it wasn't her thing.
The tryst was fun, but it soon reached it's end,
she felt stir crazy, and decided then
that having a taste was enough for her,
she wasn't cut out for a life this stern.
Besides, her career was back in LA,
there would be more roles coming her way.
He smiled as she left, said, “This was great.
I am tempted to not let you escape.”
She pressed her lips firm against his mouth,
said, "If you really want to, why not come south?”
He frowned and said, "I've tried cities before.
Good for a visit, but can't stand much more.”
She had a thought, said, "Just two weeks then.
A taste of my world, we'll have 'fun' again.”
From the devilish smile on her lips
Norm could see that she truly meant it.
He said,”Sure, in six month's I'll fly down.
So long as you don't parade me around.”
To this she agreed, once more their lips met,
he took her to town and felt some regret
as he watched the charter plane take her off west,
but knew deep down that it was for the best.
A Hollywood girl amidst frozen trees,
it would never work, she'd just go crazy.
This life wasn't made for her type of mind,
at least he'd get to see her one more time.
When six months passed he showed at LAX,
he walked off the plane, not sure what came next.
Norm half-expected she wouldn't be there,
but Cammy met him with a hungry stare.
They barely made it back to her townhouse,
in fact she walked inside without a blouse.
Were she more famous the tabloids would crow,
but she wasn't there yet, so none would know.
And for the next two weeks, things did repeat,
all that stored-up passion, neither missed a beat.
Oh they did go out for dinner and dates,
but more often than not they just couldn't wait.
Like Cammy, Norm found things press on his nerves,
the traffic, the people, the ideas absurd,
and after the fortnight she saw the man off,
but when he had gone, she did feel the loss.
Norm missed her but all to no avail,
but six months later found her walking the trail.
She gave him a shrug, said,”To my point of view
if we're still single, why not continue?”