Two Become One
Inspired by the brilliant TV show, "Justified". Relationships are complicated.
Two become one
By Michelle Morris
Two become one
The rhythm has begun
Soft guitar strums
Loving arms are warm
Holy is their universe
Passionate and astounding
Forever mesmerised
By lovers' blissful moments
So often etched in memory
But leaving behind the past
The dark and the dramatic
Is never meant to last
From outside it looks perfect
But nothing ever is
For humans stray unbroken
Over lines crossed eventually
One to another
Like a tango in the rain
Wrap your arms around her
Never feel the pain
Gunshots and drug possession
Criminal conspiracies
The heart wants what it wants
We bleed and we feel deeply
Two become one
Souls entwined in destiny
Paths crisscross over landscapes
That lead back eventually
Creation of human bonding
Love and regret mingle forth
Duality in motion
As all humans must exist
© Michelle Morris, 2023