Two Hearts - Or One
Dark breathes heavy against my dreams
Encouraging me to sigh with apprehension
Silhouettes of liquid longings slide gently
Toward the earth, raining down from the
Silence of a starry sky where reflections stir
Alive the dancing memories of a nighttime
Ebony adventure with intimacy, intensity
Singing on winds of secret promises, laughing
Grace, precious solitude where I linger
In the folds of plenty, erasing suspicions, despair
Replacing those feelings with sincerest trust
In the joy found on the faded thoughts
The hues of together exploding on my heart
Breaking through loneliness to inspire me
With magnificent passions, poignant kisses
Naked expressions of wishes folded into
Quiet moments, still portraits of connection
Creating a bond more powerful than I can know
Slowly, softly, I feel the glow of this blending
Starving my senses for the memories, the retention
Beautiful chances restored to my beliefs
With his embrace, I know what it means to admire
To hope, to breathe light through the shadows of doubt
With him, I am the portrait of joy – exhilarating, elated
Ecstatic to simply know this relationship with loving
Tenderness, gentleness, serenity’s gift to my senses
He is and will forever be… my heart’s sigh, my song
The wonder of two hearts beating, breathing, as one on fire!