Two Peas In a Pod - Shadow and Peace In Mind
Don’t let the words
slip out of your
mouth and let there
be light! Envy
becomes serpentine
in my lost soul,
going out of control
– it’s tearing my
heart apart and it’s
killing me with its
death stare
Don’t say what you
wanna say…Don’t run
if you’re not
required to run…hope
through the ring of
fire and fetch me
the fiery
rose…snatch hope’s
hand before we slip
and fall into
Bravery never
existed in this
youthful heart of
mine…I head towards
the south…I keep
looking towards that
direction…At least
it’s more lively
there! Loving you is
easy and hard…it’s
an easy thing to
become infatuated
with you – talk it
out with me…I know
what you’re gonna
talk about – don’t
bring me down…though
there’s some good
news to bring
To be honest, I just
wanna see you be
fine today…flames of
passion scorch
aflame inside of my
reveries and my
at the world’s woe
and confusion
There’s always room
for improvement one
way or another –
talking to myself as
if I’m crazy…I’m
quitting this bad
habit today – why do
you bring me down
with you? Feeling
like I don’t belong
– nothing’s wrong
with me – you say
“Hang in there” –
I’m hanging by the
last string
Don’t let the words
slip out of your
mouth and let there
be light! Envy
becomes serpentine
in my lost soul,
going out of control
– it’s tearing my
heart apart and it’s
making me completely
unaware (of His
(I can see your
when you walk away…I
can see your light,
shining on me day
after day…I see the
light in goodbye…I
can see the seething
storm passing away…I
can see the gray of
today fading
away…and I pray it
remains that way for
eternity –
time will come
eventually…that time
will dawn upon us,
dousing us with
sun-shining day
I’m kindah (x2 out
of my mind) – I’m
trying to find peace
in mind
Peace in mind
Peace of mind
But, I’m frankly
dead and
blind…believe in me
& reflect on me;
we’re two peas in a
pod and we both have
the possibility to
share our liberty –
we must share to get
a piece of
prosperity and
ecstasy all in one
package…the darkness
blankets me with
sorrow’s shadowy,
sinister day…survive
the breakage of
tomorrow’s yesterday
I’m kindah (x2
losing my silly
mind) – frantically
and desperately, I’m
trying to find
You, but you walk
You, but you left me
on my own
You, but you
murdered the day
You, you and I
together –
I can only see you,
walking around…
Don’t frown…don’t be
down…sit with me on
the ground
You and I suffer so,
so much…trapped in
fairytale, majestic,
and thrilling
Can you tell us
apart? We’re two
peas in a pod…
You whirl around my
head crazily…
You’re my
ecstasy…you’re my
lover by my side