Love Poem: Two Poets Meet Collaboration
David Crandall Avatar
Written by: David Crandall

Two Poets Meet Collaboration

What do you see when you see trees?
My eyes travel each trunk and branch.
With feathered leaves in blowing breeze
till the chipper comes with a cranch! 

	Your details shine with luminescence -
	I eschew detail for the essence.
	In trees, I just see nature's grace -  
'	Tis beautiful, like your face!
And then a breath of sweet surcease
as he offered a glance her way –
love and roses budding
	Roses die and love will end, so who'll cut the string whereon I suspend?
	When a poet puppet dies, it's a smorgasbord for the flies.
I heard that death was coming to you
from the silence right out of the blue.
From whence this sound had come I wondered?
A strange comment from out of the blue. 
I turned and saw the apparition.
Why does death come right out of the blue?
Then I saw upon its face a smile
so frightening right out of the blue!
Its jarring humor not surprising.
Its dark soul came from out of the blue.
	Ah, I think that I finally see -
	Your attention to features and finesse
	Sets apart your exquisite poetry,
	Such is your eloquent loveliness.

	I hope to aspire to the lofty summit,
	Choosing words to embellish and describe.
	No more, to bland language will I plummet -
	From a fountain of words, I will imbibe.

	Intoxicated in language, enchanting, 
	Expressing every charming nuance,
	Exactly rhyming, evading slanting,
	Shall we wax in an enthralling séance?

	Now I have been enlightened, let us spin
	A verbal tapestry - can we begin?

We could just call the whole thing off,
as we each grab beers for a quaff.
	You say potato.
	I say tomato.
Is it really worth our scoff?

	Ah, beers, is an idea I can accept - 
	At drinking, not poetry, I'm more adept. 
	After all this rhyming, I've had enough,
	But I think now I'll need some stouter stuff!