Two Shadows Cast Perfection
Two shadows cast perfection, twinned the ground,
Holy salted water spume caroused the outline,
The sexual link of arms and hips joined
Lustful with the sandy urge to swirl the lovers'
Empathy around, around, around.
Two shadows cast perfection, grace the wall,
Graffiti splash, compression wake, sketched the dark
That colours kissed the flawless marriage,
Hot blood streaked the edifice, command the lovers'
Fervency to call and call and call.
Two shadows cast perfection from the glow,
On verdant grass and floral spread induced
The growth of tenderness, grew long
As days grow longer still, entice the lovers'
Energy to flow and flow and flow.
Two shadows cast perfection in the sleep,
Entwine to dark Arabian musk,
Where humid nights pull curtains down
And sultry breezes soothe the loins, preserve the lovers'
Ecstasies to keep and keep and keep.