Two Special Men
Two Special Men
By Dalene Deale-Rowe
I think of you both, so very often
And pray each year that the longing will soften
I wish I could say my memories stay clear
But unlike the pain, they fade a little each year.
Two such important souls born years apart but same month, same day
Two different family lines, but so pivotal in my existence today
Oupa, you loved us and taught us a lot
Always teaching with laughter or love, what's right and what's not.
Pappie, many poems I have written, but no words are enough
All I can say is, life without you is more than tough.
Not a special moment goes by without me wishing you were here,
Especially when I need your advice to steer me clear.
I believe you are both in Heaven watching over us in some way,
So I wanted to send my heart up a day early, to say Happy Birthday!