Love Poem: U!
Arcene Janvier Avatar
Written by: Arcene Janvier


This is the last tear 
that will fall from my eye 
no more will I 
allow myself to be hurt by 
All the cheating and all the lies 
believing them all until one day I 
pulled the wool from over my eyes 
And got a glimpse of the real 
This person you've become I 
do not like 
where's the woman I 
fell in love with that winter night 
she was a strong positive force in my life 
she told me one day I'd be her prize 
she said when I needed, she'd always be by my side 
she said she'd show me love that was stretched farther than the skies 
Then...this new U...robbed me of my happy life 
This new U...causes my eyes to cry 
This new U...always lie 
This new never home when dawn turns to light 
This new U...all of a sudden likes to fight...ME 
But that's alright... 
By the end of the night; 
your belongings will be packaged on the porch to the right 
It's evident and clear...that you don't want me near...U... 
So together, I'll help you create some distance 
I need you far away from my existence 
I need space from your nonsense 
I'd rather reminisce about the old U... 
than sit and cry about the new...U!!!