Love Poem: U N B E Li E Ve
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Written by: Dina Cassiano

U N B E Li E Ve

U  N~ BE L I(e)VE  

What if I told you to  u n b e l i e v e?
O p e n the doors and let all your t r u t h s leave. 
Take what you think means your good,
dump  it at the curb,
throw it out and tell it NEVER to RETURN!
“Be polite and fair and be honest, too.”
How many times has someone said this to you??!
Now for your convictions about what you think is bad,
behaviors and betrayals, getting  much too mad,
tell them to find some other place to dwell
housing these truths makes my body unwell.
Believing like that leaves me no wiggle room;
no place to smash down without feeling doom.

While we sit and condemn our beacon of light,
for making choices were told are not right,
we also judge others around us for actions they’ve made,
which our limits decide just don’t make the grade.
So maybe set free from this tight little place we can nurture all sides of us, every last face!
Just think about how you’d love if you knew
those dark secrets you hide, are not really you!
Just because you did something we know as BAD
does not mean that this label is all you now have.

What if what is, really is not,
and what we thinks not, is 10 times more than a lot!?
How about deciding, we don’t have to decide, we don’t have to fight
 and we don’t have to hide.
For a moment let’s think of how it would feel
to release the need to know... and just kneel.
Can you release the things you say make you, you?
And embrace the ones you did, but said you never do?
If you can muster the courage to give it a try
you and your self just may see eye to eye.
Your unburdened spirit will thank you in ways you never dreamed true.
Its abundance flows freely, no force or mistakes, just the love that is you.