The pictures of sorrow--people fleeing
the land they love--who wanted freedom
above all.
These images will long haunt us,
as they should.
Yet, many stay to face the wrath of a despot
who only wants to claim the once-free land
as his own.
So, he sends tanks to flatten buildings
missiles to kill the children
silence their singing.
Can he be human--composed of blood and bone
the same as those he kills...
the same as all.
How can this happen? Have we not learned?
Our hearts break for you, Ukraine.
The courage of Ukraine people astounds us all
and makes us proud.
Generous Poland, and people of the World
who embrace strangers
and share their homes
This is Love.
Dear God, please save Zelensky to lead again,
when skies are blue
and only raindrops fall.
March 9, 2022
for Kyiv Poetry Contest
by Kai Michael Neumann