Unanswered Questions From the Battlefield
What are the rules of love we must obey?
What are the games that people love to play?
What mends the broken heart and speeds recovery?
What keeps us blind so that we cannot see?
Who are the ones that hide behind a mask?
Who are the ones that never tell, but ask?
Who are the ones that feed us sweetened lies?
Who are the ones that just don’t do goodbyes?
How can we trust when never told the truth?
How do we learn from blunders in our youth?
How do we let things go and clear the slate?
How do we start anew, forget the hate?
Why do we fight for those who do not care?
Why are we real with those who never share?
Why must the ones we love never be real?
Why can’t we freely say just how we feel?
Where are the hidden truths I long to find?
Where are the answers to the questions in my mind?
Where can I go to lose the fear I keep?
Where is the birthplace of the knowledge that I seek?
When did the innocents disband?
When did we all agree to break command?
When will the soldiers of love’s war be spared?
When will the purpose of it all be clear?